I’m a google person now. The reason is “because it translates directly”. Oops, first of all, depending on whether you translate in English-Japanese or Japanese-English, the usage will change quite a bit. Google Translate is a literal translation, whereas DeepL tries to paraphrase. Therefore, I think DeepL is good for grasping the meaning of sentences written in English roughly. However, if you want to translate your Japanese into English and explain it to someone else, DeepL unfortunately often turns it into a completely different sentence. In that sense, I think it’s good because Google Translate will try to translate it literally as you wrote it. Even if the translation turns out to be strange English, by making the original Japanese more accurate, you can fix it into a nice English by saying, “Oh, you interpreted it this way and it turned out to be a strange sentence.” DeepL turns well-written English into plain and easy-to-understand Japanese.
I am a google person so far. The reason is that it provides a simple direct translation. Google Translate is a direct translation, whereas DeepL tries to translate the meaning of the text. Therefore, I think DeepL is a good tool to get a rough idea of the meaning of a sentence written in English. However, if the purpose is to explain to someone else in English what you have written in Japanese, DeepL will unfortunately often change the sentence to something completely different. In that sense, I think Google Translate is good because it tries to translate directly into English as written. Even if the translated text comes out in strange English, it can be fixed into good English by making the original Japanese more accurate, as in, “Oh, so this is how you interpreted the sentence that made it strange. DeepL makes properly written English into plain, easy-to-understand Japanese, but it can make strange Japanese sentences into proper English sentences that have completely different meanings, so it is a good choice. This is a problem because it turns strange Japanese sentences into proper English sentences that have a completely different meaning.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I’m prefer google to DeepL, so far. The reason is “because it translates directly”. Oops, first of all, depending on whether you would translate a sentence into English-Japanese or Japanese-English, which tool you should use may depend on from which language you want to translate. Google Translate translates a sentence directly into an English sentence, whereas DeepL tries to translate considering the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, I think DeepL is good for grasping the meaning of sentences written in English roughly. However, if you want to translate your Japanese into English and explain it to someone else, DeepL unfortunately often turns it into a completely different sentence. Therefore, I think Google Translate is better as it tries to translate a sentence as you wrote, even if the translation turns out to be strange English. By making the original Japanese more accurate, you can fix it into a nice English, saying, “Oh, you interpreted it this way” . DeepL sometimes turns strange Japanese sentences into proper English sentences that have a completely different meaning. it causes problem.
これまでのところ、DeepL よりも Google の方が好きです。理由は「直訳するから」です。おっと、まず、文を英和にするか日英に翻訳するかによって、どの言語から翻訳するかによって、使用するツールが異なる場合があります。 Google 翻訳は文を直接英文に翻訳しますが、DeepL は文の意味を考慮して翻訳しようとします。そのため、英語で書かれた文章の意味を大まかに把握するにはDeepLが良いと思います。しかし、自分の日本語を英語に翻訳して誰かに説明したい場合、DeepL は残念ながらまったく別の文章に変換してしまうことがよくあります。したがって、翻訳が変な英語になっても、あなたが書いた文章を翻訳しようとするので、Google 翻訳の方が優れていると思います。元の日本語をより正確にすることで、「ああ、こう解釈したのね」と素敵な英語に直せます。 DeepL は、奇妙な日本語の文章を、まったく異なる意味を持つ適切な英語の文章に変換することがあります。それは問題を引き起こします。
私は今のところ、DeepLよりgoogleの方が好きです。理由は「直接翻訳できるから」です。おっと、まず、ある文章を英和にするか和英にするか、どちらの言語から翻訳するかで、どのツールを使うべきかが変わってくるかもしれませんね。 Google翻訳では、文章をそのまま英文に翻訳してしまいますが、DeepLでは文章の意味を考えて翻訳しようとします。ですから、英語で書かれた文章の意味を大まかに把握するには、DeepLが適していると思います。しかし、日本語を英語に翻訳して誰かに説明したい場合、DeepLは残念ながら全く違う文章になってしまうことが多いです。ですから、変な英語になってしまっても、書いた文章をそのまま訳そうとするGoogle翻訳の方がいいと思います。元の日本語をより正確にすることで、「ああ、こういう風に解釈していたのか」と、いい感じの英語に直せます。DeepLでは,おかしな日本語の文章を,まったく意味の違う正しい英語に直してしまうことがあります. それが問題になるのです.